+91 809 666 3337




SIRI GOLD strongly believes in a sincere and transparent approach to its users. You trust and love us and we would never put growth before trust. We aim to minimize instances of customer complaints, grievances and disappointments via channelized approach, review and redressal. However, we recognize that there are times when our product or service has not been up to the mark. If you’re disappointed, then at some point in time we’ve not done a great enough job.

  • Our users are to be treated fairly at all times
  • Complaints or concerns raised by users are dealt with an open mind, with courtesy and in a timely manner.
  • Users are informed about the channels to escalate their complaints, concerns and grievances within SIRI GOLD and their rights if they are not satisfied with the resolution of their complaints.
  • SIRI GOLD will take care of all complaints efficiently and fairly as they value each user.
  • All employees at SIRI GOLD must work in good faith and without prejudice to the interests of the users.

Regardless of the reason behind the customer complaint, our customers have complete authority to file a complaint/ share feedback if they are disappointed by services rendered by SIRI GOLD.
They can give their complaint/ feedback in writing, email, or on SIRI GOLD.com. If a customer’s dilemma is not resolved within the given time or if they are not satisfied with the solution provided by SIRI GOLD, they can approach our tiered redressal system with their complaint or other legal avenues available for grievance redressal.

Sensitizing staff on handling complaints

Our staff undergoes regular training to ensure that consumer’s queries and grievances are handled properly. They are encouraged to work in a manner which helps us in building the consumer trust and confidence. This reflects in both the operations as well as the customer communications. Top reasons behind the consumer queries are analysed and worked upon in a way which aims at removal of these reasons from the root. This helps in improving the overall quality of the service levels gradually.

Customer Care Escalation Matrix

Level 1 - You can call us at +91 8886 80 90 90 to discuss any unresolved issues. If you are not satisfied with our response, please ask to speak with customer service supervisor and you will be transferred immediately or receive a call back within 1 working day.
Level 2 - You can reach us by sending an email to suport@sirigold.biz. A ticket number will be issued to you at the time of logging your complaint. We will aim to respond to queries or complaints within 2 working days.
Level 3 - In case the issue remains unresolved, you can write to our grievance officer, grievanceofficer@sirigold.biz, mentioning the specific ticket number allotted to you at the time of the original complaint.
